Credential Transparency Description Language

Release 20171027 | View Pending Changes
Creative Commons License
Credential Transparency Description Language by Credential Engine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

About This Schema

This is the primary schema of the Credential Engine.

10/27/2017 Release

This release changes the implementation of string fields to be language-friendly and overhauls the implementation of geospatial terms to simplify them.

How to Read These Tables

This page displays the Credential Transparency Description Language schema in an RDF-centric format. Below you will find every class, property, concept scheme, and concept for this schema, each with a thorough description and connections to other terms. For an object-oriented view of this schema, use the Mapping Guidance page.

The following tables use a common set of attributes to describe each Term. Not all terms will have all attributes.

URIUnique Resource Identifier used to identify the term. It consists of a full namespace (such as followed by the term itself. This URI can uniquely identify the term in various contexts, including those where multiple namespaces are used.
Shorthand URIEquivalent to the URI, but using a shorter namespace prefix (such as ceterms) followed by : and then by the term itself. Use the References table to determine which prefix is associated with which full URI namespace.
LabelA human-readable label assigned to the term. In applications, this may be substituted for any label that is suitable for that application. May be represented in multiple languages.
DefinitionThe normative definition for the term. The definition field controls the true meaning of the term regardless of its URI or its Label. May be represented in multiple languages.
CommentAdditional non-normative descriptive text to aid in understanding the intended meaning and/or purpose of the term. May be represented in multiple languages.
Usage NoteAdditional non-normative descriptive text to aid in understanding the intended usage of the term. May be represented in multiple languages.
Type of TermIndicates the type of term: Class, Property, Concept Scheme, or Concept.
StatusIndicates the current status of the term: Stable, Unstable, Pending, or Deprecated.
Subclass OfIndicates that this class is a more narrowly-focused variant of the referenced class.
Subproperty OfIndicates that this property is a more narrowly-focused variant of the referenced property.
Subconcept OfIndicates that this concept is a more narrowly-focused variant of the referenced concept.
Equivalent ToLists the terms, often from other namespaces, that have the same (or nearly the same) semantic meaning as this term.
PropertiesLists the properties that belong to this class (as defined by the properties' "Domain Includes" data).
In Range OfLists the properties whose value may be an instance of this class (as defined by the properties' "Range Includes" data).
Domain IncludesLists the classes to which this property belongs.
Range IncludesLists the classes or value types that may be used as a value for this property.
CER Target SchemeLists the concept schemes that are intended to ultimately be used as values for this term, either directly or indirectly.
ConceptsLists the terms that may be considered concepts for this concept scheme.
CER Scheme ForLists the terms that are intended to reference terms from this scheme, either directly or indirectly.
In SchemeLists the concept schemes in which this concept appears.
SerializationProvides links to serializations (in JSON-LD and Turtle) for this term.
HistoryProvides links to the schema update history for this term.


In the tables below, the following prefixes refer to the following schema sources:

General References
PrefixVocabulary NameVocabulary Title
asn Standards Network
ceterms Transparency Description Language
dc Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1
dct Metadata Terms
foaf of a Friend
lrmi Resource Metadata Initiative
meta Engine Meta Terms
obi Badges Technical Specification (Schema)
owl Web Language
rdf Description Framework
rdfs Schema 1.1
skos Knowledge Organization System
vann Annotation Vocabulary
vs Semantic Web Vocabulary Annotations
xsd Schema Definition
Controlled Vocabulary Concepts References (SKOS)
PrefixVocabulary NameVocabulary Title
actionStat Status Type Concept Scheme
agentSector Sector Type Concept Scheme
assessMethod Method Type Concept Vocabulary
assessUse Use Type Concept Scheme
audience Type Concept Scheme
audLevel Level Type Concept Scheme
claimType Type Concept Scheme
costType Type Concept Scheme
credentialStat Status Type Concept Scheme
creditUnit Unit Type Concept Scheme
deliveryType Type Concept Scheme
inputType Input Type Concept Scheme
learnMethod Method Type Concept Scheme
orgType Type Concept Scheme
purpose Purpose Concept Scheme
residency Type Concept Scheme
score Method Type Concept Scheme
serviceType Service Type Concept Scheme



accreditedBy accreditedIn accredits actingAgent actionStatusType additionalCondition address addressCountry addressLocality addressRegion administrationProcess advancedStandingFrom affiliatedAgent affiliation agentPurpose agentPurposeDescription agentSectorType agentType alignmentDate alignmentType alternateName alternativeCondition alternativeIdentifier appealProcess approvedBy approvedIn approves assertedBy assesses assessmentExample assessmentExampleDescription assessmentMethodType assessmentOutput assessmentUseType audienceLevelType audienceType availabilityListing availableAt availableOnlineAt broadAlignment codedNotation commonConditions commonCosts complaintProcess condition conditionManifestOf contactOption contactType copyrightHolder corequisite costDetails costManifestOf credentialId credentialingAction credentialStatusType credentialType creditHourType creditHourValue creditUnitType creditUnitTypeDescription creditUnitValue ctid currency dateEffective degreeConcentration degreeMajor degreeMinor deliveryType deliveryTypeDescription demographicInformation department description developmentProcess directCostType duns earnings email employee employmentOutcome endDate endTime entryCondition estimatedCost estimatedDuration evidenceOfAction exactAlignment exactDuration experience externalInputType externalResearch familyName faxNumber fein financialAssistance foundingDate framework frameworkName geoURI givenName globalJurisdiction hasConditionManifest hasCostManifest hasGroupEvaluation hasGroupParticipation hasPart hasVerificationService highEarnings holderMustAuthorize holders honorificSuffix identifierType identifierValueCode image industryType inLanguage instructionalProgramType instrument ipedsID isAdvancedStandingFor isPartOf isPreparationFor isProctored isRecommendedFor isRequiredFor isSimilarTo jobsObtained jurisdiction jurisdictionException keyword latestVersion latitude learningMethodType longitude lowEarnings mainJurisdiction maintenanceProcess majorAlignment maximumDuration medianEarnings minimumAge minimumDuration minorAlignment missionAndGoalsStatement missionAndGoalsStatementDescription naics name narrowAlignment numberAwarded object occupationType offeredBy offeredIn offers opeID ownedBy owns parentOrganization participant paymentPattern postalCode postOfficeBoxNumber postReceiptMonths preparationFrom previousVersion price processFrequency processingAgent processMethod processMethodDescription processStandards processStandardsDescription purposeType qualityAssuranceTargetType recognizedBy recognizedIn recognizes recommends region regulatedBy regulatedIn regulates relatedAction renewal renewalFrequency renewedBy renewedIn renews requires residencyType residentOf resultingAward reviewProcess revocation revocationCriteria revocationCriteriaDescription revocationProcess revokedBy revokedIn revokes sameAs scoringMethodDescription scoringMethodExample scoringMethodExampleDescription scoringMethodType serviceType socialMedia source spatialCoverage startDate startTime streetAddress subject subjectWebpage submissionOf subOrganization targetAssessment targetCompetency targetCompetencyFramework targetContactPoint targetCredential targetLearningOpportunity targetLearningResource targetNode targetNodeDescription targetNodeName targetPathway targetTask taskDetails teaches telephone temporalCoverage verificationDirectory verificationMethodDescription verificationService verifiedClaimType versionIdentifier weight worksFor yearsOfExperience agent assessmentProfiled conditionProfiled contactPoint credentialAlignment credentialProfiled learningOpportunityOffered learningOpportunityProfiled learningResource partOfIdentifierValueSet processMethodType taskProfiled trainingOffered url

Concept Schemes


AccreditService Active ActiveActionStatus AdvancedLevel AggregateCost Application Applied ApproveService Artifact AssessmentBody AssociatesDegreeLevel Associations BachelorsDegreeLevel BackgroundCheck BadgeClaim BeginnerLevel BlendedDelivery Business Business BusinessAssociation BusinessAssociation CertificateCredit CertificationBody Citizen CompletedActionStatus Consumers ContinuingEducationUnit CriterionReferenced CurrentMilitary CurrentMilitaryDependent CurrentMilitarySpouse CurrentStudent DegreeCredit Deprecated DoctoralDegreeLevel EducationAdministrators Educators EnrollmentFee Exam Experts FailedActionStatus Formative FormerMilitary FormerMilitaryDependent FormerMilitarySpouse FormerStudent FourYear FullTime Gaming GeneralEducation Government Governments GraduationFee Guardians HighSchool InPerson InState IntermediateLevel International InternationalBodies JobOrCareerPreparation Laboratory LaborUnion LearningResource Lecture Local Magnet MastersDegreeLevel Meals Member MidCareer Military NonCitizen NonMember NonResident NonTraditional NormReferenced OfferService OnlineOnly OptionalCharges OutOfState PartTime Performance Postsecondary PostSecondaryLevel PotentialActionStatus Practitioners PrimarilyOnline PriorExperience PrivateEmployee PrivateForProfit PrivateNonProfit Probationary ProcessingFee ProfessionalAssociation ProgramSpecificFee Public Public PublicEmployee QualityAssurance QualityAssuranceClaim RecognizeService ReexaminationFee Regional RegulateService RenewalFee RenewService ReschedulingFee Resident RevokeService RoomOrResidency ScoringFee SecondaryDiplomaCredit SecondaryLevel SecondarySchool SelfPaced Seminar StandaloneAssessment Students StudentServicesFee Summative Superseded Technical TechnologyFee TrainingProvider TranscriptClaim Tuition TwoYear Vendor VerifiedClaim WorkBased ElectronicMediaBased Verifiedclaim


These groups are not truly part of the schema; however, they are useful for discussion and conceptualization of how different elements of the schema relate to each other in ways that may not be obvious from the documentation above.

Info and Statistics

Below is key information for the 10/27/2017 Release of Credential Transparency Description Language:

Credential Transparency Description Language

Schema ID: ctdl
Schema Prefix: ceterms
Release ID: 20240830
Release Date: 10/27/2017
Release Status: vs:stable


Use the options below to determine the totals to include for the selected schemas. For each schema, you can also opt to include counts for terms that that schema borrows:

  • From other Credential Engine schemas (e.g., CTDL-ASN borrows ceterms:industryType from CTDL for its ceasn:CompetencyFramework class)
  • From non-Credential Engine schemas (e.g., CTDL borrows schema:QuantitativeData from for its ceterms:financialAssistanceValue property)

Terms will not be counted twice regardless of which combination of options you select.

Term TypeStableUnstablePendingDeprecatedTotal by Type
Concept Scheme
Total by Status