@type @id meta:expandedURI rdfs:label / skos:prefLabel rdfs:comment / skos:definition dct:description vann:usageNote vs:term_status owl:equivalentClass / owl:equivalentProperty / skos:exactMatch rdfs:subClassOf / rdfs:subPropertyOf / skos:broader schema:domainIncludes / skos:inScheme schema:rangeIncludes meta:targetScheme skos:topConceptOf skos:relatedMatch skos:broadMatch skos:narrowMatch Type URI Full URI Label Definition Comment Usage Note Term Status Equivalent Term SubTerm Of Domain / Scheme Range Target Concept Scheme Top Concept Of Related Match Broad Match Narrow Match rdfs:Class asn:ProgressionLevel http://purl.org/ASN/schema/core/ProgressionLevel Progression Level Identifiable point along a developmental progression of competence, achievement or temporal position. vs:stable skos:Concept rdfs:Class asn:ProgressionModel http://purl.org/ASN/schema/core/ProgressionModel Progression Model Model of identifiable points along a developmental progression including increasing levels of competence, achievement or temporal position (e.g., ""Second Quarter""). vs:stable skos:ConceptScheme rdfs:Class ceasn:Competency https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/Competency Competency Measurable or observable knowledge, skill, or ability necessary to successful performance of a person. Competency is broadly defined to include assertions of academic, professional, occupational, vocational and life goals, outcomes, and standards, however labeled. vs:stable asn:Statement rdfs:Class ceasn:CompetencyFramework https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/CompetencyFramework Competency Framework Entity comprised of a logically related set of competencies. A competency framework serves a container object for a set of competencies. vs:stable asn:StandardDocument ceterms:Collection rdfs:Class ceasn:CriterionLevel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/CriterionLevel Criterion Level An individual component or specific element within a criterion that defines a particular aspect or standard for evaluation. vs:unstable rdfs:Class ceasn:ProficiencyScale https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/ProficiencyScale Proficiency Scale The class of structured profiles describing discrete levels of expertise and performance mastery. Proficiency scales define levels of performance (what a person does) as distinct from knowledge of specific information (what a person knows) and outline tasks a person can manage and the skills necessary to progressively accomplish explicit competencies at increasing levels of complexity. Proficiency scales: (1) assist in making judgments about the kinds of tasks related to a competency that a person is able to perform; and (2) to compare the abilities of different persons with regard to achievement of those competencies at different levels. vs:stable asn:ProficiencyScale asn:EducationalFramework rdfs:Class ceasn:Rubric https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/Rubric Rubric A structured and systematic evaluation tool used to assess performance, quality, and/or criteria. vs:unstable asn:Rubric rdfs:Class ceasn:RubricCriterion https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/RubricCriterion Rubric Criterion Resource providing explicit criteria for ensuring specific and measurable evaluation. vs:unstable asn:RubricCriterion rdfs:Class ceasn:RubricLevel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/RubricLevel Rubric Level Level or quality indicator used with Rubric Criteria. vs:unstable rdfs:Class skos:Concept http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept Concept Term in a controlled vocabulary. vs:stable rdfs:Class skos:ConceptScheme http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme Concept Scheme A controlled vocabulary. vs:stable rdf:Property asn:hasProgressionLevel http://purl.org/ASN/schema/core/hasProgressionLevel Has Progression Level Reference to a specific point in a progression model. vs:stable "ceasn:Competency ceasn:Rubric ceasn:RubricCriterion ceasn:RubricLevel ceterms:AssessmentComponent ceterms:BasicComponent ceterms:CocurricularComponent ceterms:CollectionComponent ceterms:CompetencyComponent ceterms:CourseComponent ceterms:CredentialComponent ceterms:ExtracurricularComponent ceterms:JobComponent ceterms:MultiComponent ceterms:WorkExperienceComponent" asn:ProgressionLevel rdf:Property asn:hasProgressionModel http://purl.org/ASN/schema/core/hasProgressionModel Has Progression Model Reference to a progression model used. vs:stable "ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:Pathway ceterms:QualificationsFramework" asn:ProgressionModel rdf:Property ceasn:abilityEmbodied https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/abilityEmbodied Ability Embodied Enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance are embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource. The abilityEmbodied property may referenced a defined ability in an ontology such as O*NET or an existing competency defined in a competency framework. vs:stable "ceasn:Competency ceterms:Job ceterms:Occupation ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkRole" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:alignFrom https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/alignFrom Align From A competency framework or competency from which this competency framework or competency is aligned. An alignment is an assertion of some degree of equivalency between the subject and the object of the assertion. vs:stable asn:alignFrom "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" rdf:Property ceasn:alignTo https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/alignTo Align To A competency framework or competency to which this competency framework or competency is aligned. An alignment is an assertion of some degree of equivalency between the subject and the object of the assertion. vs:stable asn:alignTo "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" rdf:Property ceasn:altCodedNotation https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/altCodedNotation Alternative Coded Notation An alphanumeric notation or ID code identifying this competency in common use among end-users. Unlike the codedNotation property, the value for the altCodedNotation property need not be an official identifier created by the promulgating agency. It must be an identifier in common use among end-users of the competency. This property should be seldom used and only with a clear demonstration of need (i.e., in common use). For example, in the Common Core State Standards (Math) in the U.S., the official codedNotation of ""CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.C.4"" is abbreviated in common use by end-users to the unofficial altCodedNotation of ""1.NBT.4"". vs:stable asn:altStatementNotation dct:identifier "ceasn:Competency ceasn:Rubric" xsd:string rdf:Property ceasn:author https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/author Author A person or organization chiefly responsible for the intellectual or artistic content of this competency framework or competency. vs:stable locr:aut dct:contributor "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework" xsd:string rdf:Property ceasn:benchmarkLabel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/benchmarkLabel Benchmark Label Label for the level achieved as defined by the Rubric Criterion. vs:unstable ceasn:CriterionLevel rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:benchmarkText https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/benchmarkText Benchmark Text Description of the level achieved as defined by the Rubric Criterion. vs:unstable ceasn:CriterionLevel rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:broadAlignment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/broadAlignment Broad Alignment The referenced competency covers all of the relevant concepts in this competency as well as relevant concepts not found in this competency. vs:stable asn:broadAlignment ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:codedNotation https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/codedNotation Coded Notation An alphanumeric notation or ID code as defined by the promulgating body to identify this resource. This property should be used only for codes created by the promulgating body. For alternative competency notations in common use in the community of practice, but not endorsed by the promulgating body, the altCodedNotation property can be used (sparingly on clear evidence of common use and need). vs:stable "asn:statementNotation case:v1p0/humanCodingScheme ceterms:codedNotation" dct:identifier "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:CriterionLevel ceasn:Rubric ceasn:RubricCriterion ceasn:RubricLevel" xsd:string rdf:Property ceasn:comment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/comment Comment Supplemental text provided by the promulgating body that clarifies the nature, scope or use of this resource. Use this property when the text provides useful context for this resource. vs:stable "asn:comment case:v1p0/notes" "ceasn:Competency ceterms:Industry ceterms:Job ceterms:Occupation ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkRole qdata:Observation" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:competencyCategory https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/competencyCategory Competency Category The textual label identifying the category of the competency as designated by the promulgating body. This property points to a class, not to instances of that class. For example, where two competencies in a competency framework have been identified respectively by the promulgating agency as ""Strand: Renaissance"" and ""Strand: Social history"", the statementLabel for both these competencies is ""Strand"". vs:stable "asn:statementLabel case:v1p0/CFItemType" ceasn:Competency rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:competencyLabel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/competencyLabel Competency Label Short identifying phrase or name applied to a competency by the creator of the competency framework. Where such a label is the sole expression of the competency, enter the text as competencyText as opposed to competencyLabel. vs:stable "ceasn:name schema:name" ceasn:Competency rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:competencyText https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/competencyText Competency Text The text of the competency. This property should be used to provide the actual text of the competency statement. To provide information about the competency other than the text itself, use the comment property. vs:stable case:v1p0/fullStatement dct:description ceasn:Competency rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:complexityLevel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/complexityLevel Complexity Level The expected performance level of a learner or professional as defined by a competency. vs:stable asn:complexityLevel ceasn:Competency skos:Concept rdf:Property ceasn:comprisedOf https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/comprisedOf Comprised Of This competency includes, comprehends or encompasses, in whole or in part, the meaning, nature or importance of the referenced competency. vs:stable asn:comprisedOf ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:conceptKeyword https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/conceptKeyword Concept Keyword A word or phrase used by the promulgating agency to refine and differentiate individual resources contextually. This property should be used judiciously and in moderation. This property should be used only if an appropriate term does not exist in a controlled vocabulary. vs:stable "asn:conceptKeyword ceterms:keyword" dct:subject "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric skos:ConceptScheme" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:conceptTerm https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/conceptTerm Concept Term A term drawn from a controlled vocabulary used by the promulgating agency to refine and differentiate individual resources contextually. Note: Topic terms can include relevant people, places, things, and events. vs:stable "asn:conceptTerm ceterms:subject" dct:subject "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework skos:ConceptScheme" skos:Concept rdf:Property ceasn:creator https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/creator Creator An entity primarily responsible for making this resource. The creator property is used with non-canonical statements created by a third party. vs:stable dct:creator dct:contributor "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework skos:ConceptScheme" "ceterms:CredentialOrganization ceterms:Organization ceterms:QACredentialOrganization" rdf:Property ceasn:crossSubjectReference https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/crossSubjectReference Cross-Subject Reference A relationship between this competency and a competency in a separate competency framework. An interdisciplinary statement reference. vs:stable asn:crossSubjectReference dct:relation ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:dateCopyrighted https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/dateCopyrighted Date Copyrighted Date of a statement of copyright for this resource, such as ©2017. vs:stable dct:dateCopyrighted dct:date "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:string rdf:Property ceasn:dateCreated https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/dateCreated Date Created Date of creation of this resource. The dateCreated property is used for non-canonical statements created by a third party. vs:stable dct:created dct:date "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:date rdf:Property ceasn:dateModified https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/dateModified Date Modified The date on which this resource was most recently modified in some way. vs:stable "dct:modified schema:dateModified" dct:date "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:dateTime rdf:Property ceasn:dateValidFrom https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/dateValidFrom Date Valid From Beginning date of validity of this resource. Where the resource is valid for a given period of time, use both the dateValidFrom and dateValidUntil properties. vs:stable schema:startDate dct:valid "ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework" xsd:dateTime rdf:Property ceasn:dateValidUntil https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/dateValidUntil Date Valid Until End date of validity of this resource. Where the resource is valid for a given period of time, use both the dateValidFrom and dateValidUntil properties. vs:stable schema:endDate dct:valid "ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework" xsd:dateTime rdf:Property ceasn:derivedFrom https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/derivedFrom Derived From The entity being described has been modified, extended or refined from the referenced resource. vs:stable asn:derivedFrom dc:relation "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework ceterms:TransferValueProfile qdata:Metric" "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework ceterms:TransferValueProfile qdata:Metric" rdf:Property ceasn:description https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/description Description A short description of this resource. vs:stable "dct:description schema:description" "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceasn:RubricCriterion ceasn:RubricLevel skos:ConceptScheme" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:educationLevelType https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/educationLevelType Education Level Type A general statement describing the education or training context. Alternatively, a more specific statement of the location of the audience in terms of its progression through an education or training context. Best practice is to use terms from the http://purl.org/ctdl/terms/AudienceLevel concept scheme. vs:stable "case:v1p0/vocab#educationLevel ceterms:audienceLevelType dct:educationLevel" dct:audience "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric" skos:Concept ceterms:AudienceLevel rdf:Property ceasn:evaluatorType https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/evaluatorType Evaluator Type Type of evaluator; select from an existing enumeration of such types. vs:unstable ceasn:Rubric skos:Concept ceasn:EvaluatorCategory rdf:Property ceasn:exactAlignment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/exactAlignment Exact Alignment The relevant concepts in this competency and the referenced competency are coextensive. vs:stable asn:exactAlignment ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:feedback https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/feedback Feedback Predefined feedback text for the benefit of the subject being evaluated. This may include guidance and suggestions for improvement or development. vs:stable ceasn:CriterionLevel rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:hasChild https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasChild Has Child The referenced resource is lower in some arbitrary hierarchy than this resource. This property identifies a child node in the downward path in the chain of resources in a taxon path. vs:stable gemq:hasChild dc:relation "ceasn:Competency ceterms:AssessmentComponent ceterms:BasicComponent ceterms:CocurricularComponent ceterms:CollectionComponent ceterms:CompetencyComponent ceterms:CourseComponent ceterms:CredentialComponent ceterms:ExtracurricularComponent ceterms:JobComponent ceterms:MultiComponent ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkExperienceComponent" "ceasn:Competency ceterms:AssessmentComponent ceterms:BasicComponent ceterms:CocurricularComponent ceterms:CollectionComponent ceterms:CompetencyComponent ceterms:CourseComponent ceterms:CredentialComponent ceterms:ExtracurricularComponent ceterms:JobComponent ceterms:MultiComponent ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkExperienceComponent" rdf:Property ceasn:hasCriterionCategory https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasCriterionCategory Has Criterion Category Indicates a Concept for clustering logical sets of Rubric Criteria. vs:unstable ceasn:RubricCriterion skos:Concept rdf:Property ceasn:hasCriterionCategorySet https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasCriterionCategorySet Has Criterion Category Set Indicates the Concept Scheme for clustering logical sets of Rubric Criteria. vs:unstable ceasn:Rubric skos:ConceptScheme rdf:Property ceasn:hasCriterionLevel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasCriterionLevel Has Criterion Level Criterion Level for this resource. vs:unstable "ceasn:CriterionLevel ceasn:RubricCriterion ceasn:RubricLevel" ceasn:CriterionLevel rdf:Property ceasn:hasRubricCriterion https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasRubricCriterion Has Rubric Criterion Explicit criterion for ensuring specific and measurable evaluation. vs:unstable asn:hasCriterion ceasn:Rubric ceasn:RubricCriterion rdf:Property ceasn:hasRubricLevel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasRubricLevel Has Rubric Level Resource describing a level or quality indicator used with Rubric Criteria. vs:unstable ceasn:Rubric ceasn:RubricLevel rdf:Property ceasn:hasScope https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasScope Has Scope Description of what the rubric's creator intended to assess or evaluate. vs:unstable asn:hasScope ceasn:Rubric rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:hasTopChild https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/hasTopChild Has Top Child Top-level child competency of a competency framework. vs:stable ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:identifier https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/identifier Identifier An alternative URI by which this competency framework or competency is identified. vs:stable asn:identifier "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:inferredCompetency https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/inferredCompetency Inferred Competency Competency deduced or arrive at by reasoning on the competency being described. vs:unstable ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:inLanguage https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/inLanguage In Language The primary language used in or by this resource. This is the language the text is primarily written in, even if it makes use of other languages. For example, a competency for teaching spanish to english-speaking students would primarily be in english, because that is the language used to convey the material. vs:stable "case:v1p0/language dct:language" "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:language rdf:Property ceasn:inProgressionModel https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/inProgressionModel In Progression Model Progression Model to which this Progression Level belongs. vs:unstable skos:inScheme asn:ProgressionLevel asn:ProgressionModel rdf:Property ceasn:isChildOf https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/isChildOf Is Child Of The referenced resource is higher in some arbitrary hierarchy than this resource. vs:stable gemq:isChildOf dc:relation "ceasn:Competency ceterms:AssessmentComponent ceterms:BasicComponent ceterms:CocurricularComponent ceterms:CollectionComponent ceterms:CompetencyComponent ceterms:CourseComponent ceterms:CredentialComponent ceterms:ExtracurricularComponent ceterms:JobComponent ceterms:MultiComponent ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkExperienceComponent" "ceasn:Competency ceterms:AssessmentComponent ceterms:BasicComponent ceterms:CocurricularComponent ceterms:CollectionComponent ceterms:CompetencyComponent ceterms:CourseComponent ceterms:CredentialComponent ceterms:ExtracurricularComponent ceterms:JobComponent ceterms:MultiComponent ceterms:Pathway ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkExperienceComponent" rdf:Property ceasn:isPartOf https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/isPartOf Is Part Of Competency framework that this competency is a part of. This property does not indicate whether or not this statement is a top-level statement in the referenced competency framework; only that it is in some way a part of that framework. To indicate that this statement is a top-level statement, use both this property and the isChildOf property. vs:stable dct:isPartOf dc:relation ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework rdf:Property ceasn:isTopChildOf https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/isTopChildOf Is Top Child Of Indicates that this competency is at the top of some arbitrary hierarchy. vs:stable ceasn:isChildOf ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework rdf:Property ceasn:isVersionOf https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/isVersionOf Is Version Of A related competency of which this competency is a version, edition, or adaptation. Changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format. vs:stable dct:isVersionOf ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:knowledgeEmbodied https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/knowledgeEmbodied Knowledge Embodied Body of information embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource. vs:stable "ceasn:Competency ceterms:Job ceterms:Occupation ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkRole" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:license https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/license License A legal document giving official permission to do something with this resource. Value must be the URI to a license document (e.g., Creative Commons license or bespoke license). vs:stable dct:license dct:rights "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:Collection ceterms:QualificationsFramework qdata:DataSetDistribution qdata:DataSetProfile qdata:DataSetService skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:listID https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/listID List ID An alphanumeric string indicating the relative position of a resource in an ordered list of resources such as ""A"", ""B"", or ""a"", ""b"", or ""I"", ""II"", or ""1"", ""2"". Punctuation accompanying alphanumeric strings should not be included. vs:stable case:v1p0/listEnumeration asn:listID "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CriterionLevel ceasn:RubricCriterion ceasn:RubricLevel ceterms:Task" xsd:string rdf:Property ceasn:localSubject https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/localSubject Local Subject The text string denoting the subject of the competency framework or competency as designated by the promulgating agency. The localSubject property and subject property may or may not point to the same subject. If so, enter the text string for the subject as the value of this property and the URI for that subject in the subject property. vs:stable asn:localSubject dct:subject "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:majorAlignment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/majorAlignment Major Alignment Major overlap of relevant concepts between this competency and the referenced competency. vs:stable asn:majorAlignment ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:minorAlignment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/minorAlignment Minor Alignment Minor overlap of relevant concepts between this competency and the referenced competency. vs:stable asn:minorAlignment ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:name https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/name Name The name or title of this resource. vs:stable "dc:title schema:name" "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceasn:RubricCriterion ceasn:RubricLevel skos:ConceptScheme" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:narrowAlignment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/narrowAlignment Narrow Alignment This competency covers all of the relevant concepts in the referenced competency as well as relevant concepts not found in the referenced competency. vs:stable asn:narrowAlignment ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:prerequisiteAlignment https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/prerequisiteAlignment Prerequisite Alignment The referenced resource is a prerequisite to this resource. vs:stable asn:prerequisiteAlignment ceasn:Competency ceasn:Competency rdf:Property ceasn:publicationStatusType https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/publicationStatusType Publication Status Type The publication status of the resource. With competencies that originate as part of a competency framework that includes an applicable publication status, it is not necessary to include that status on every competency in the framework. vs:stable asn:publicationStatus "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework qdata:DataSetProfile skos:ConceptScheme" skos:Concept ceasn:PublicationStatus rdf:Property ceasn:publisher https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/publisher Publisher An agent responsible for making this resource available. Also referred to as the promulgating agency of the entity. vs:stable dct:publisher "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework qdata:Metric skos:ConceptScheme" "ceterms:CredentialOrganization ceterms:Organization ceterms:QACredentialOrganization" rdf:Property ceasn:publisherName https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/publisherName Publisher Name Name of an agent responsible for making this resource available. Also referred to as the promulgating agency of the entity. vs:stable dc:publisher "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework skos:ConceptScheme" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:repositoryDate https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/repositoryDate Repository Date The date this competency framework was added to the repository. vs:stable asn:repositoryDate ceasn:CompetencyFramework xsd:date rdf:Property ceasn:rights https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/rights Rights Information about rights held in and over this resource. vs:stable dct:rights dc:rights "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceasn:Rubric ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework qdata:DataSetDistribution qdata:DataSetProfile qdata:DataSetService skos:ConceptScheme" rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:rightsHolder https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/rightsHolder Rights Holder An agent owning or managing rights over this resource. vs:stable dct:rightsHolder "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework skos:ConceptScheme" "ceterms:CredentialOrganization ceterms:Organization ceterms:QACredentialOrganization" rdf:Property ceasn:shouldIndex https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/shouldIndex Should Index Indicates whether correlators should or should not assign the competency during correlation. vs:unstable asn:indexingStatus ceasn:Competency xsd:boolean rdf:Property ceasn:skillEmbodied https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/skillEmbodied Skill Embodied Ability to apply knowledge and use know-how to complete tasks and solve problems including types or categories of developed proficiency or dexterity in mental operations and physical processes is embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource. The skillEmbodied property may reference a defined skill in an ontology such as O*NET or an existing competency defined in a competency framework. vs:stable asn:skillEmbodied "ceasn:Competency ceterms:Job ceterms:Occupation ceterms:Task ceterms:WorkRole" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:source https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/source Source The original competency framework which this resource is based on or derived from. vs:stable dct:source dct:relation "asn:ProgressionModel ceasn:CompetencyFramework skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:sourceDocumentation https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/sourceDocumentation Source Documentation Human-readable information resource other than a competency framework from which this resource was generated or identified by humans or machines. The intended use case for this is when documentation is analyzed in order to find and describe entities such as competencies and concepts. vs:unstable "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework ceterms:AlignmentMap ceterms:QualificationsFramework skos:Concept skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingCompetencyFramework https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingCompetencyFramework Substantiating Competency Framework Aspects of the referenced Competency Framework provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingCredential https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingCredential Substantiating Credential Aspects of the referenced Credential provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency "ceterms:AcademicCertificate ceterms:ApprenticeshipCertificate ceterms:AssociateDegree ceterms:AssociateOfAppliedArtsDegree ceterms:AssociateOfAppliedScienceDegree ceterms:AssociateOfArtsDegree ceterms:AssociateOfScienceDegree ceterms:BachelorDegree ceterms:BachelorOfArtsDegree ceterms:BachelorOfScienceDegree ceterms:Badge ceterms:BasicTechnicalCertificate ceterms:Certificate ceterms:CertificateOfCompletion ceterms:CertificateOfParticipation ceterms:Certification ceterms:Credential ceterms:Degree ceterms:DigitalBadge ceterms:Diploma ceterms:DoctoralDegree ceterms:GeneralEducationDevelopment ceterms:GeneralEducationLevel1Certificate ceterms:GeneralEducationLevel2Certificate ceterms:HigherEducationLevel1Certificate ceterms:HigherEducationLevel2Certificate ceterms:JourneymanCertificate ceterms:License ceterms:MasterCertificate ceterms:MasterDegree ceterms:MasterOfArtsDegree ceterms:MasterOfScienceDegree ceterms:MicroCredential ceterms:OpenBadge ceterms:PostBaccalaureateCertificate ceterms:PostMasterCertificate ceterms:PreApprenticeshipCertificate ceterms:ProfessionalCertificate ceterms:ProfessionalDoctorate ceterms:ProficiencyCertificate ceterms:QualityAssuranceCredential ceterms:ResearchDoctorate ceterms:SecondaryEducationCertificate ceterms:SecondarySchoolDiploma ceterms:TechnicalLevel1Certificate ceterms:TechnicalLevel2Certificate ceterms:TechnicalLevel3Certificate ceterms:WorkBasedLearningCertificate" rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingJob https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingJob Substantiating Job Aspects of the referenced Job provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency ceterms:Job rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingOccupation https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingOccupation Substantiating Occupation Aspects of the referenced Occupation provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency ceterms:Occupation rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingOrganization https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingOrganization Substantiating Organization Aspects of the referenced Organization provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency "ceterms:CredentialOrganization ceterms:Organization ceterms:QACredentialOrganization" rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingResource https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingResource Substantiating Resource Aspects of the referenced resource provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:Competency xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingTask https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingTask Substantiating Task Aspects of the referenced Task provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency ceterms:Task rdf:Property ceasn:substantiatingWorkRole https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/substantiatingWorkRole Substantiating Work Role Aspects of the referenced Work Role provide some justification that the resource being described is useful. vs:unstable ceasn:substantiatingResource ceasn:Competency ceterms:WorkRole rdf:Property ceasn:tableOfContents https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/tableOfContents Table of Contents A list of sub-units of this competency framework. The table of contents is a ""manifest"", or a hierarchic, ordered, syntactic representation of the competencies that are part of this competency framework. vs:stable dct:tableOfContents ceasn:CompetencyFramework rdf:langString rdf:Property ceasn:taskEmbodied https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/taskEmbodied Task Embodied Specifically defined piece of work embodied either directly or indirectly in this resource. vs:stable ceasn:Competency xsd:anyURI rdf:Property ceasn:weight https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/weight Weight An asserted measurement of the weight, degree, percent, or strength of a recommendation, requirement, or comparison. Best practice is to assign a decimal value weight between 0 and 1 that indicates the strength of the assertion, with 0 being weakest and 1 being strongest. vs:stable asn:weight "ceasn:Competency ceasn:RubricCriterion" xsd:float rdf:Property ceterms:ctid https://purl.org/ctdl/terms/ctid CTID Globally unique Credential Transparency Identifier (CTID) by which the creator, owner or provider of a resource recognizes it in transactions with the external environment (e.g., in verifiable claims involving the resource). The CTID is the equivalent of a version identifier for the resource. Different versions of a resource are considered distinct expressions and each must be assigned its own CTID. Each version of a resource can have only one CTID assigned. However, a single version of a resource may have distinct identifier values for both the ctid property and the credentialId property. In such a case both identifiers will be recognized by the resource creator/owner/provider in transactions with the external environment. vs:stable ceterms:credentialId "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework skos:Concept skos:ConceptScheme" xsd:string rdf:Property ceterms:industryType https://purl.org/ctdl/terms/industryType Industry Type Type of industry; select from an existing enumeration of such types such as the SIC, NAICS, and ISIC classifications. Best practice in identifying industries for U.S. resources is to provide the NAICS code using the ceterms:naics property. Other resources may use the ceterms:industrytype property and any framework of the class ceterms:IndustryClassification. vs:stable ceterms:credentialAlignment "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" ceterms:CredentialAlignmentObject ceterms:IndustryClassification rdf:Property ceterms:instructionalProgramType https://purl.org/ctdl/terms/instructionalProgramType Instructional Program Type Type of instructional program; select from an existing enumeration of such types. For U.S. credentials, best practice is to use a framework such as the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs). Other credentials may use any framework of the class CTDL InstructionalProgramClassification. vs:stable ceterms:credentialAlignment "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" "ceterms:CredentialAlignmentObject skos:Concept" ceterms:InstructionalProgramClassification rdf:Property ceterms:occupationType https://purl.org/ctdl/terms/occupationType Occupation Type Type of occupation; select from an existing enumeration of such types. For U.S. resources, best practice is to identify an occupation using a framework such as the ONet. Other resources may use any framework of the class ceterms:OccupationClassification, such as the EU's ESCO, ISCO-08, and SOC 2010. vs:stable schema:occupationalCategory ceterms:credentialAlignment "ceasn:Competency ceasn:CompetencyFramework" ceterms:CredentialAlignmentObject ceterms:OccupationClassification rdf:Property skos:altLabel http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#altLabel Alternative Label Non-preferred label for the concept used to relate a concept synonym to the preferred label. vs:stable skos:Concept rdf:langString rdf:Property skos:broader http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broader Broader Concept that is broader in some way than this concept. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" rdf:Property skos:broadMatch http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broadMatch Broad Match Assertion indicates that the referenced concept is broader in some way than this concept. vs:stable skos:Concept skos:Concept rdf:Property skos:changeNote http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#changeNote Change Note Text describing a significant change to the concept. vs:stable skos:Concept rdf:langString rdf:Property skos:closeMatch http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#closeMatch Close Match Assertion indicates that two concepts are sufficiently similar that they can be used interchangeably. vs:stable skos:Concept skos:Concept rdf:Property skos:definition http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition Definition Supplies a complete explanation of the intended meaning of a concept. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" rdf:langString rdf:Property skos:exactMatch http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#exactMatch Exact Match Indicates semantic similarity denoting an even higher degree of closeness than skos:closeMatch. vs:stable skos:Concept skos:Concept rdf:Property skos:hasTopConcept http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#hasTopConcept Has Top Concept Concept of the scheme at the top of a hierarchy of narrower concepts. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionModel skos:ConceptScheme" "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" rdf:Property skos:hiddenLabel http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#hiddenLabel Hidden Label Label not intended for public presentation but to assist applications in disambiguating searcher intent - e.g., hidden labels can be used for common misspelling or a colloquial expression. vs:stable skos:Concept rdf:langString rdf:Property skos:inScheme http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme In Scheme Concept scheme to which this concept belongs. vs:stable skos:Concept skos:ConceptScheme rdf:Property skos:narrower http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrower Narrower Concept that is narrower in some way than this concept. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" rdf:Property skos:narrowMatch http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrowMatch Narrow Match Assertion indicates that the referenced concept is narrower in some way than this concept. vs:stable skos:Concept skos:Concept rdf:Property skos:notation http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#notation Notation Alphanumeric notation or ID code as defined by the promulgating body to identify this resource. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" xsd:string rdf:Property skos:note http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#note Note Annotations to the concept for purposes of general documentation. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" rdf:langString rdf:Property skos:prefLabel http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel Preferred Label Preferred language-tagged label representing this concept. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" rdf:langString rdf:Property skos:related http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#related Related Assertion indicating an associative, non-hierarchical relationship between the two concepts where neither is broader nor narrower than the other. vs:stable skos:Concept skos:Concept rdf:Property skos:topConceptOf http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#topConceptOf Top Concept Of Concept scheme for which this concept is a top node in a hierarchy of concepts. vs:stable "asn:ProgressionLevel skos:Concept" "asn:ProgressionModel skos:ConceptScheme" skos:ConceptScheme ceasn:EvaluatorCategory https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/EvaluatorCategory Evaluator Category Category of agents that perform evaluation. vs:unstable skos:ConceptScheme ceasn:PublicationStatus https://purl.org/ctdlasn/terms/PublicationStatus Publication Status Concept Scheme Describes the various publication statuses of competency frameworks and statements. vs:stable asnscheme:ASNPublicationStatus skos:Concept evalCat:Authority https://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/evalCat/Authority Authority Evaluator is an agent with authority over the person, group, or thing being evaluated in the relevant context. Examples include teachers, supervisors, managers, or others with positions over the person or group being evaluated. vs:unstable ceasn:EvaluatorCategory ceasn:EvaluatorCategory skos:Concept evalCat:Automated https://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/evalCat/Automated Automated Evaluator is an automated agent or process. vs:unstable ceasn:EvaluatorCategory ceasn:EvaluatorCategory skos:Concept evalCat:External https://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/evalCat/External External Evaluator is an agent who is outside the context of the person, group, or thing being evaluated. Evaluator is typically independent of the person, group, or thing being evaluated. vs:unstable ceasn:EvaluatorCategory ceasn:EvaluatorCategory skos:Concept evalCat:Peer https://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/evalCat/Peer Peer Evaluator is one or more peers of the person, group, or thing being evaluated. Peers may be people taking the same course or in similar job roles. vs:unstable ceasn:EvaluatorCategory ceasn:EvaluatorCategory skos:Concept evalCat:Self https://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/evalCat/Self Self Evaluator is the person or group being evaluated. vs:unstable ceasn:EvaluatorCategory ceasn:EvaluatorCategory skos:Concept publicationStatus:Deprecated http://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/publicationStatus/Deprecated Deprecated Status assigned to a document/statement by the promulgating agency asserting that the document/statement has been superseded or its use otherwise disfavored. vs:stable asnPublicationStatus:Deprecated ceasn:PublicationStatus ceasn:PublicationStatus skos:Concept publicationStatus:Draft http://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/publicationStatus/Draft Draft A status assigned to all documents/statements during development. Draft documents and statements should not be displayed to anyone other than their owners and relevant administrators. vs:stable asnPublicationStatus:Draft ceasn:PublicationStatus ceasn:PublicationStatus skos:Concept publicationStatus:Published http://purl.org/ctdlasn/vocabs/publicationStatus/Published Published Status assigned to all documents that have been published. vs:stable asnPublicationStatus:Published ceasn:PublicationStatus ceasn:PublicationStatus